Providing a people development tool for commercial success


About WRc

WRc is an independent centre of excellence for innovation and growth operating across many different sectors including water, environment, gas and resource management. 

Before C-me

WRc were on a trajectory of growth, aiming to become established innovation leaders driven by technical expertise and innovative solutions. Recognising the importance of teamwork and professional skills in achieving their aspirations, WRc focused on enhancing team development and leadership skills within the business. They aimed to improve departmental interactions and communications to foster innovative thinking and ensure seamless project delivery. Given their commitment to efficiency, WRc turned to C-me to support faster onboarding of their staff.

Results after working with C-me

C-me has been instrumental in developing WRc's greatest asset—their people. Initially utilised as a development tool for the most senior team within the organisation, WRc recognised its potential to benefit the entire business. Collaborating with C-me, WRc developed a workshop programme inclusive of all employees—from top management downwards—to help individuals understand how they can maximise their contributions at work. This comprehensive workshop programme not only enhanced staff onboarding but also improved team dynamics and departmental communications across WRc.


Using C-me we were able to consider how our team communicates, learn to work together more effectively, and value one another’s contribution to the business.

Frances Smith, HR Director, WRc plc