Utilising behaviour for leadership team development

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About Mecalac

Mecalac are an innovative compact construction equipment manufacturer for today's urban construction sites.

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Before C-me

Mecalac set out to develop a new leadership team programme focused on teamwork, communication, resilience, and change management. Following a few instances of conflict, they sought to introduce a common language to aid in conflict resolution. The goal was to enhance awareness at individual, team, and organisational levels. As part of this effort, Mecalac were also in the process of creating a new value framework, aiming to use relatable language and behavior patterns for employees. Additionally, they planned to re-evaluate their recruitment process to identify gaps and ensure they were hiring the correct people.

Results after working with C-me

Mecalac adopted the C-me platform and began profiling their employees. They also accredited individuals to integrate C-me workshops with their training programs. Mecalac reports that teams now use an informal, common language to facilitate conversations, leading to increased awareness among employees, across teams, and throughout the organisation. They have also observed significant improvements in communication within teams and across departments.

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We are at the beginning of the journey but the biggest benefit so far is that it has brought people together and helped us to open up about own areas for improvement, communication preferences and improve communication between and within teams.

Natalia Gorbunova, HR Manager, Mecalac