Increasing self-awareness with behaviour profiling

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About King's College London

King’s College London is an internationally renowned university delivering exceptional education and world-leading research. We are dedicated to driving positive and sustainable change in society and realising our vision of making the world a better place. 


Before C-me

King's College London (KCL) identified a need to enhance communication among their teams. Responding to employee requests for more skills development, KCL launched a program called "Know Yourself - Personality at Work." This initiative aimed to help employees become more self-aware and improve their interpersonal interactions.

Results after working with C-me

King's College London adopted the C-me platform, offering employees the chance to complete a C-me report. Additionally, several team members became C-me accredited to facilitate internal workshops. KCL has reported increased self-awareness among employees, who are now much more attuned to various communication styles and how to adapt to better suit their colleagues.

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It's a simple and effective tool to work with in and across teams.

Nick Cowan, Training Manager, King's College London