C-me vs. Insights Discovery
A side-by-side overview of how C-me and Insights compare and differ across various features.
What’s included with each tool?
- No accreditation costs
- No annual practitioner fee
- Full platform access for users
- Access to e-learning modules
- £4,000 + fee per accreditation space
- £300+ annual practitioner fee
- No platform access
- No e-learning for users modules
Feature comparison
Personalised ‘C’ for email footers and profile pictures
No additional features are available
Disclaimer : This information is based on research conducted up to 1st December 2023. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date insights, it's essential to note that some product features may change or evolve over time.
Overall, C-me stands out with its use of recent, jargon-free statements and a focus that leans heavily towards behaviour, fostering a practical approach rather than fixating on rigid descriptors. Accredited Practitioners enjoy enhanced freedom in presenting reports, while an intuitive system ensures a seamless and up-to-date experience for both practitioners and end-users.
The C-me colour wheel vs competitor preference display
After 15 years working with other psychometric tools, C-me offer such a refreshing and much more applicable profile focused on adapted behaviour rather than defining a type.
Find the right partner for your profiling needs
If you're interested in learning more about how C-me can help transform your organisation's team dynamics, reach out to our specialist for a free demo.